El loro y la cotorra
El jardín de Venus1786Un cuento de amor entre un loro y una cotorra, donde ambos luchan por encontrar el amor verdadero y superar los obstáculos que se les presentan.Easy
Tags35alborotababienbonitacansadacircunspecciónconsejerocontentitacotorracuartodesaguabadiesedijodoncelladoñaeducadoenteroescribientefrailesllamadaloromariquita- 191532 CHAPTER
A collection of poems exploring the beauty of nature and the power of the human spirit.Fairly Easy
Tags401914-19181918PoetryWorld Warbrdeaddeatherevereyesfacefairheartheartshighlifelightlikelonglostmany - 1922
Russell examines the conflict between free thought and official propaganda, exploring how governments use propaganda to control public opinion.Difficult
Tags39Free thoughtLiberalismPropagandaamericabeliefbelievecertaincouldcountryeducationfreefree thoughtfreedomgoodgovernmentlawliberalismmakemanmenmodern Spring (Songs in Season)
The Motley Muse1909A collection of humorous poems exploring themes of love, relationships and everyday life in a lighthearted and satirical tone.Moderate
Tags21Poetry CollectionSeasonal PoetrySpring-themedHumorous VerseLight VerseSatirical PoetryBritish Literature20th Century LiteratureVerse NovelCollection of PoemsNature PoetrySeasonal ThemesComedic PoetrySocial CommentaryPoetic SatireLiterary HumorEnglish PoetryAnthologyPoetry AnthologySpring ImageryRural LifeThe Early Bird
The Poetical Works, Volume II Parables1875The Early Bird is a story about a young boy who learns the value of hard work and perseverance through his experiences with a magical bird.Very Easy
- 188818 CHAPTER
A young woman's journey through Africa to avenge her father's death and claim her rightful throne.Easy
Tags21AdventureFantasyRomanceHistorical FictionColonialismImperialismAfricaExplorationQuestMagicMythologySupernaturalGood vs EvilFriendshipLove StoryComing of AgeSelf-DiscoveryMysteryActionSuspenseEpic - 1932
A fisherman struggles to rebuild his life after a devastating hurricane. He must confront his past and find a way to move forward.Easy
Tags3920th centuryamerican and canadian literatureamerican fictionbirdsblownboatcaptainclosecutdarkfloatedfloatingglassgrainsheadhitholdholekeykilledlanguage and literatures A Shocking Affair
School Stories1916A young man's affair with a married woman leads to a series of hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps.Fairly Easy
- 19335 Chapter
Blinky Bill is an adventurous koala who embarks on a journey to find his missing father. Along the way, he meets new friends and faces danger.Fairly Easy
20 Poemas para ser Leídos en el Tranvía1922El libro trata sobre la vida de un hombre que vive en una ciudad pequeña y su relación con el lago cercano.Fairly Easy
Thought and Act
The Red Inn1829A young nobleman's struggle with his own morality and societal expectations leads to a tragic confrontation with reality.Fairly Easy
Tags21PhilosophyPsychologyLiterary FictionFrench Literature19th CenturyRealismSocial CommentaryMoralityEthicsHuman NatureSocietal CritiqueIntellectualismExistentialismSelf-DiscoveryPersonal GrowthMoral AmbiguityComplex CharactersSatireSocial SatireCultural CommentaryHistorical Context- 1693
Monsieur de Cros is a letter from a French aristocrat to his son, offering advice on how to live a meaningful life.Moderate
Tags491628-169916481648-17151672-167816781715Dutch WarEuropeHistoryTempleWilliambarillonbelievecoulddonedutch war, 1672englandeuropeevengreathath Dedication of the Institution Chapel
Autobiographical Poems1875A heartwarming poem about the dedication of a chapel and the author's personal connection to it, with a total of 21 words.Fairly Easy
Tags19HymnSongbookReligious poetryChristian devotionalInspirationalSpiritualChurch musicPraise and worshipFaith-basedBible studyTheologyReligionChapel dedicationInstitutional historyBiographyAutobiographyWomen's studiesDisability studiesAccessibility
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine writer, essayist, and poet who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and innovative writers of the 20th century. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Borges was raised in a cultured and intellectual environment, which had a profound impact on his literary style and themes. Borges' work is characterized by its complex and intricate structure, often blending philosophy, literature, and history into a single narrative. His stories frequently explore the nature of reality, time, and perception, as well as the limits of... AI Generated Content