- 18499 Chapter
A collection of poems and illustrations to delight the mind and the eye. Enjoy the beauty of words and art.Fairly Easy
Tags39Children's poetryConduct of lifeJuvenile poetrybedbirdsbookboybringbusychapbookschildrenfatherfinefrankgathergodhandsjameskisslaughingmeadows - 18359 CHAPTER
Wealthy family's dark secrets and scandals unfold amidst love, betrayal, and tragedy in 19th-century England.Difficult
Tags20Victorian EraGothic FictionMysteryRomanceFamily DramaSocial ClassInheritanceWealthPower StruggleFamily SecretsDark PastTragic EventsEmotional TurmoilPsychological InsightPhilosophical ThemesMorality TalesSatireHistorical FictionEnglish Literature19th Century Dolci Durezze E Placide Repulse
The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems1344The poem explores the tension between harsh realities and gentle rejections in a romantic relationship.Fairly difficult
Tags20Italian LiteratureRenaissance PoetryLove PoemsSonnet Collection14th Century LiteratureClassical InfluenceRomanticismCourtly LoveMedieval InspirationLyrical PoetryElegyOdeBalladVerse NarrativeAllegorySymbolismMetaphorImageryRhetorical DeviceLiterary ClassicSpeech to the Army on the News of the Revolt of Cassius
Complete Works of Marcus Aurelius - The Speeches of Macurs Aurelius161The Emperor addresses his troops on Cassius' rebellion, urging loyalty and caution in a time of crisis.Fairly Easy
Tags21PhilosophicalHistoricalMeditativeMilitaryRomanImperialSpeechOratoryPoliticsRevoltCassiusTreacheryLoyaltyDutyMoralityEthicsStoicismAncientClassicalPhilosophicalMoral- 19306 CHAPTER
A guide to the history, activities, and fun of Girl Scouts, from the early days to the present. Learn about the organization's mission and how to get involved.Moderate
Tags36Girl Scouts__womanactivitiesalsocommunitycouncilfirstgirlgirl scoutsgirlsgoodgrouphelphomehonorhumanknowlawslifemay - 1835
A young man must break a dark pact to save his beloved from a sinister fate.Moderate
A Country Burial
Emily Dickinson's Poems, Second Time & Eternity1890A solitary figure mourns a deceased loved one in a rural setting, grappling with grief and mortality.Very Easy
Tags22PoetryAmerican LiteratureDeathMortalityNatureIsolationSolitudeGriefLossExistentialismPhilosophySymbolismImageryMetaphorAllegoryRealismPsychological InsightEmotional DepthLiterary SymbolismNature ImageryMourningThe Mud-King's Daughter
The Sand-Hills of Jutland1847A young girl's life is forever changed when her father, a mud-covered king, abdicates his throne to her.Easy
Tags21Fairy TaleMythologyComing of AgeFamily DramaSocial HierarchyClass ConflictPovertyIsolationLonelinessMother-Daughter RelationshipFemale ProtagonistSelf-DiscoveryIdentity CrisisCultural TraditionRural SettingSmall Town LifeCommunity ExpectationsPersonal FreedomRebellionTragic EndingSymbolismPor qué hay un poeta más y un labrador menos
Cuentos de color de rosa20205 CAPÍTULOUn poeta y un labrador se enfrentan en una lucha por el amor de una mujer. El poeta gana, pero el labrador pierde su vida.Difficult
Tags35aldeaallíalmaaquelaquellacarlistacarmencasacorazóncristinocuentodiosdosdíaexclamóguerrahaciahijohogarjovenjuanEl general Quiroga va en coche al muere
Poesía completa1965El general Quiroga viaja en coche al muere.Easy
Tags18FantasyMagic RealismShort StoriesLiterary FictionArgentine LiteratureExistentialismPhilosophyMysteryDetective FictionSurrealismSymbolismAllegoryPolitical SatireHistorical FictionLiterary TheoryCriticismAnalysisInterpretationDías nublados á J. Peralta Martinea.
Novelas y fantasías1925Un poeta viaja a una ciudad costera para encontrar la inspiración. Allí conoce a una mujer y se enamoran. Juntos viven una historia de amor y desamor, en una atmósfera de días nublados.Moderate
Tags35agradaalmaasíbajocieloclaridadcorazóncuentocuántasdiasensueñosespírituhacehorasideasimaginaciónlibrosluzmanosnubesnublados- 19284 Chapter
A thrilling adventure of a young man's quest to save his kingdom from a powerful enemy.Fairly Easy
The Flower of the Mind1892A collection of poems exploring the beauty and symbolism of primroses, with delicate language and imagery.Easy
Tags20poetrynatureflowersbeautylovelongingmelancholywistfulnessseasonstimememoryinspirationemotionsensory detailsimagerylanguagestyleformstructurethemes
The Indian Scout
Subtitle: A Story of the Aztec City
The story revolves around a young Frenchman who joins the British Army and becomes an Indian Scout, tasked with tracking down a notorious bandit leader. As he navigates the complexities of tribal politics and colonial rivalries, he must also confront his own identity and loyalties. The narrative explores themes of cultural clash, loyalty, and redemption in the context of 19th-century India's tumultuous history. AI Generated Content
~1867 CE
Available in: English
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