The Inventor
First and Last1902A satirical tale about a brilliant inventor who creates an ingenious machine that ultimately leads to his downfall.Easy
Tags22Biographical FictionHistorical FictionInspirationalLiterary FictionMemoirPhilosophicalPsychological InsightRealisticSatiricalSocial CommentaryAutobiographical ElementsComing of AgeFamily DynamicsFriendshipHumorIntellectual PursuitMoral GuidanceNostalgiaSelf-DiscoverySocial SatireStorytellingOn Song
On Everything1906A young boy's journey through a mystical land where he learns about life and death in a series of surreal events.Fairly Easy
Tags21PoetryVerseSongLyricsMusicLiteraryCollectionAnthologyNonsenseHumorSatireSocial CommentaryCritiqueSocietyCultureLanguageStyleFormalInformalToneMood- 1902
Barbara is a young girl who discovers the power of friendship and courage when she embarks on a journey to save her beloved pet rabbit.Fairly Easy
Tags37Juvenile fictionLaughterauntbarbarabuttonscalledcheekscodcupsdaydoctordosyfatfatterfellfunnymanhardlaughlaughedlaughinglaughter - juvenile fiction The Image of the Lost Soul
The Toys of Peace and Other Papers1908A young man's disillusionment with society and his own identity leads to a descent into madness and despair.Fairly Easy
Tags21Psychological FictionLiterary ClassicPhilosophical ThemesExistentialismAbsurdismDark HumorSatireSocial CommentaryCritique of SocietyMorality PlayAllegorySymbolismInner TurmoilIdentity CrisisMental HealthIsolationLonelinessDisillusionmentCynicismIronyFutilityOLD SPANISH SONG
Songs and Other Verse1889Romantic nostalgia for a lost love in old Spain.Very Easy
Tags21NostalgiaRomanceMelancholyMusicPoetryLyricsSentimentalWistfulLongingYearningLoveHeartacheSorrowRegretMemoriesPastHistoryCultureHeritageTraditionalFolkThe Planting of the Apple Tree
School Reading by Grades1955A young boy's coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of racial tension and family secrets in rural America.Fairly difficult
Tags21Coming-of-ageFamily-dramaRacial-identitySouthern-US-settingHistorical-fictionLiterary-fictionSymbolismNature-as-metaphorApple-tree-symbolismChildhood-traumaParent-child-relationsSocial-hierarchyClass-struggleIdentity-crisisCultural-clashRacial-tensionsSmall-town-lifeIsolationLonelinessGrowing-upSelf-discoveryWHEN ALL THE BROOKS HAVE RUN AWAY
Harps Hung Up in Babylon1923A man's search for meaning in a post-apocalyptic world after all the brooks have run dry.Very difficult
Tags20dystopianfictionclimate changeapocalypsepost-apocalypticenvironmentalismdisastersurvivalfuturesocietyhumanitytechnologyinnovationinventionsscienceengineeringinfrastructurepoliticsgovernmentleadershipI Know that he Exists
Emily Dickinson's Poems, Second Life1891A meditation on faith and doubt, exploring the tension between spiritual conviction and existential uncertainty in everyday life.Very Easy
Tags21PoetryExistentialismPhilosophySpiritualityFaithDoubtMysteryInquiryQuestioningSkepticismBeliefUncertaintyParadoxRiddleEnigmaAbsurdityNihilismTheologyMetaphysicsSymbolismIntrospectionA Holiday Task
Beasts and Super-Beasts1898A young man's holiday turns into a nightmare when he becomes embroiled in a sinister plot involving murder and deceit.Easy
Tags21SatireDark ComedyShort StoryHumorSocial CommentaryCritique of SocietyClass SatireEnglish LiteratureEdwardian EraNovellaAnti-HeroMorality TaleCommentary on Class SystemWit and IronySardonic ToneCynicismSocial CommentaryMoral AmbiguityAbsurdismBlack HumorCritique of Social Norms- 183655 CHAPTER
Snarleyyow is a novel about a mischievous dog who causes chaos on board a ship during the Napoleonic Wars. The story follows his adventures and misadventures as he tries to outwit the crew and avoid being caught.Moderate
The Ships of Yule
Later Poems1907A collection of poems exploring themes of nature, spirituality, and the cyclical passage of time.Difficult
Tags19poetrynaturewinterseashipslegendsmythsfantasymagicsymbolismallegorysupernaturalsurrealimagerydescriptionmetaphorinspirationemotionshuman conditionPatience
Goops and How To Be Them1897A young man learns to be patient while waiting for a train in a small town.Very Easy
Come 'L Candido Pie Per L' Erba Fresca
The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems1343The poem describes a serene and idyllic scene where the speaker invites a friend to enjoy nature's beauty.Fairly Easy
Tags20Italian LiteratureRenaissance PoetrySonnetLove PoemNature ImageryPastoral ThemeClassical InfluenceLyrical StyleMedieval InspirationCourtly LoveElegyTribute to BeautyFlorilegiumAnthologyRenaissance HumanismCultural HeritageLiterary ClassicPoetic MasterpieceTimeless ThemeUniversal Appeal
Adolfo Bioy Casares
Nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 15 de mayo de 1914. Fallecido en la misma ciudad el 8 de febrero de 1999. Escribió novelas, cuentos, ensayos y dramas, entre los que destaca "El sueño una vida", considerada una obra maestra de la literatura argentina. Bioy Casares fue un escritor polifacético y innovador, que exploró temas como la realidad y la imaginación, la mente y el espacio, la identidad y la memoria. Su estilo único y poético ha influido en generaciones de escritores latinoamericanos.... AI Generated Content